Software Engineer Training Program
Week 1- Introduction
Expectations and Requirements
Syllabus Overview
How computers work + What is Programming
Runtime Installation
Development Environment Setup
VS Code Deep Dive
Language Comparisons and Uses
Compiled vs Interpreted
Static vs Dynamic
Little Bit O' Linux
Week 2- Seeing and Saying + Intro to Version Control
Git Deep Dive
Displaying Output
Data Types Overview
Getting Input
Displaying Output
All about Strings
Week 3- Numbers and Operators
Dealing with Numbers
Arithmetic Operators
Conditionals + Control Flow
Comparison Operators
Assignment Operators
Logical Operators
Week 4 - Loop de loops
Understanding Loops
Loop Control Statements
Week 5 - Functions + Scope + #GitBetter
Functions and reusable code
Much more on Git!
Week 6 - Handling Errors + Introduction to Algorithms
What are errors?
What are exceptions?
Handling exceptions
Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithms
Week 7 - Object Oriented Programming
What are Objects?
What is OOP?
All about Classes
Week 8 - Project Week
Time to put our skills to the test!
Week 9 - Programming for the web
Designer vs. Developer
Layers of the web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
How the internet works
Frameworks Introduction
Intro to API’s
Week 10 - HTML + CSS Basics
What is a markup language?
HTML document structure (doctype, html, head, body)
Block-level vs. Inline Elements
Web image formats
Basic HTML element syntax
What is CSS?
CSS syntax: rules, selectors, declarations, properties and values
The cascade, specificity and inheritance
The CSS box model
Week 11 - Page Layout & Responsive Web Design
CSS display and positioning
What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?
Media Queries
Intro to Flexbox
Week 12 - The DOM and Event Handling
Intro to the Document Object Model
Responding to events in JavaScript
Week 13 - Working with API’s
API refresher
APIs in client-side JavaScript
Week 14 - Project Week
Time to put our skills to the test!
Week 15 - Building APIs
HTTP Response Codes
Week 16 - Relational Databases
Week 17 - NoSQL
Relational vs NoSQL
Week 18 - Introduction to React
What is React?
Web framework overview
History of React
React Project Setup
Core React Rules + Principles
Week 19 - React Continued
Stateful applications
Passing data through props
Week 20-23- Capstone Projects
We’ve learned a ton so far. Time to show what we can do!
Week 25 - Interview Prep + Whiteboarding
How to approach technical Interviews
Whiteboarding Techniques
Hard vs Soft skills balance
How to be likable 😀
Week 26 - Engineering AMA Panel
Ask them anything! We will have a panel of distinguished engineers of various skills levels who are willing to share anything and everything about their experience as an engineer.